Why Do You Love To Write?

Daniel Marie
3 min readApr 12, 2023


“Do you love to write?” These are some responses I’ve heard from some of the most amazing writers I‘ve meant about why they love to write. Note, I am paraphrasing general statements I have heard people give and so these answers are certainly secondhand or third hand.

“I love to write, I’ve been writing my whole life since I could first pick up a pen.”

“I’ve dealt with low periods, mediocre jobs, family issues, and trials through writing.”

“I write so that I can leave a legacy and be remembered.”

“Writing gives me a chance to reveal deeper truths through falsehood and exaggeration.”

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Strangely, I find that people give similarly personal and mesmerizing responses for why they love other pursuits.

“I love how music helps me approach what cannot be expressed through words.”

“When I play an instrument, it’s like a part of my deeper self is going into the notes and rhythms.”

“This sport is one I know I am never going to beat, because there is some other aspect of the game I can always be working on.”

“Every novel you read is a whole world in itself. If you have trouble reading a novel by Charles Dickens over say Dan Brown or J.R.R. Tolkien, it is just because you prefer certain types of worlds over others.”

Photo by Danny Lines on Unsplash

Certainly, we all hear countless other reasons why people love any number of an unlimited array of pursuits or pasttimes. Any human endeavor is a whole world in itself that can offer innumerable riches and immeasurable fulfillment. One may find that swimming refreshes their whole physical and spiritual form or that playing chess is a medium for transcendence.

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

As one of the oldest human endeavors and activities, writing certainly offers innumerable priceless riches. On this amazing writing platform(as well as many others online), writers and readers alike should ask themselves regularly, “what are some of the reasons I love to write?” For me, one of the main reasons I love to write is because writing is such an unboundedly rich and wondrous world in itself. Many times, as I plug away at pieces here on Medium or scribble away in one of numerous notebooks I amass I just feel great energy and flow much like if I am connecting with close confidantes or traveling through a place of indescribable beauty and serenity. Also, when I write I find I am also giving something back to the world of writing in return. What are some reasons that you love to write? How does the world of writing enrich you? How do you find your writing offers something back to others and the craft itself?



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