Where Do We Start, Oh Wonderful Medium??
Like so many other platforms, Medium is amazing in how it allows readers and writers to explore countless topics from multiple points of view(as there is a level of unbounded complexity to any reality in the universe).
Take a look at these two articles and talk about contrasting perspectives!
And it is not just distinct viewpoints about money, but also topics tackling the priceless dimension to well-being, like multiple viewpoints about the nature of happiness and genuine contentment.
Of course, a whole vast libraries of volumes could be written about such topics and we would hardly be scratching from the surface.
Some of those tips and tidbits to genuine contentment are going to be much more abstruse. Others just quite straightforward yet also profound and effective.
There are conflicting views on everything though, even matters of what time is best to wake up in the morning.
And even the therapy of vacuum cleaners!
How do you even begin to tap into the innumerable riches offered on this amazing platform? Well, Medium staff offer a wonderful review weekly.