Unconsidered Hobbies and Unformed Group Fads
Hobby Classifiers Please Consider These
This Muddyum publication article by Aine Hunt got me to thinking about my own list of things that are not typically considered hobbies but perhaps should be. I don’t know if my list is as creative or humorous (for the ones meant to be more facetious but still genuine) as Hunt’s. But I do send out my petition to any hobby classifiers, please do consider these!
Back and Bone Cracking
You know, that have that show Crack Addicts on TLC? All of those chiropractors in the world charging quite a bit for bone resculpting care? Well, why not the amateur version of home bone and back cracking? They have goat yoga and Zoomba and geocaching, it would be okay to office an idiot’s-safe version of bone cracking and back realignment. It is a natural practice anyway, is it not? How many of us have been finding great satisfaction in creaking out that knot forming in our vertebrae since adolescence or popping our knuckles to ragtime? Coming soon to a gym near year — Crease the Crink out of Your Bones and Joints (Emergency Chiropractor and Orthopedic Surgeon on Standby).
Microwave Dinner Club
They have pastry chef Instagram recipes and Zoom wine-tasting classes(how Zoom can replicate the experience of someone pouring each wine glass for you I don’t know), but where are the microwave chef fellowships? You know, all those teens, college kids, and even thirty-somethings using the microwave from sunrise to sunset, through each nooked breakfast burrito to each midnight thawed Ben and Jerry’s pint. Make way for the Meetup microwave-chef dinner parties! Ramen noodle masterpieces, leftover plates galore, and magical new tortilla shell concoctions! All in 5 minutes or less!
Nail-Biters Anonymous (and Similarly Nose-Picker’s Anonymous)
“Hi my name is Pecos and I am a nail-biter.”
“Hello, my name is Slim, and I have restrained from nose-picking for five years.”
Hey, no hyperbole or offense intended here(well, maybe some comedy). With 30% of the population prone to nail-biting(let’s not explore the nose picking stats please), these groups could be the next best thing for individuals seeking spiritual networking for reprieve from life’s most pervasive self-destructive behaviors(Reddit has such a forum already, nothing found on in-person groups). Imagine never even biting your nails or picking your nose again and building real lasting alliances on your journey to healthier nails, noses, teeth, and life overall.
Bubble-Wrap Popping Conventions
Imagine thousands of people meeting at a hotel, conference center, or even online Teams or Zoom setting. They are not discusing political or spiritual questions, nor are they exploring the latest trade intelligence in hair-care or pet-grooming products. Each person is there with piles of bubble-wrap, with goals of the greatest records of bubble-wrap popping to be broken! My mind reels at the unlimited possibilities — the most plastic bubbles popped at once, the longest strip of bubble wrap popped, most musical bubble-wrap melodies produced! What a fun and stimulating spectacle! Oh, even better if all of the wrap was from recycled plastic(and recyled again afterwards).
The World’s Largest Travel Group
Imagine you are a part of a travel group that explores the most notable of locations — not by architectural wonder like the Empire State Building or Eiffel Tower or by natural wonders like Niagara Falls or the Nile River — but by critically acclaimed “world’s largest objects” like the world’s largest mailbox or world’s largest cuckoo clock. The possibilities for locations this group could travel are unlimited. To be comprehensive, the group would have take into account the more formalized and charted largest and tallest of things, like the tallest skyscraper in United Arab Emirates, while also making room for the quaint and esoteric like the world’s largest popcorn ball or the world’s largest catsup bottle.
From back-cracking to bubble-wrap to super-quaint travel clubs, we have named a few wonderful hobbies and interest or support clubs that should become the next fad things. The sky really is the limit, though, for new groups and hobbies that could be formed. What are some ideas that you have? Maybe a Meetup group could be started! Who’s up for a bubble-popping Zoom convention to be held at an undisclosed future date? We’ve got to work extra hard to find that recycled bubble-wrap!