Top Secret Spy Chrome Extension Delivers Medium Stats, For Real??
Yes, it is for real. As this short article explores, you are able to download a Chrome extension that will tell you the juicy details about any Medium writer(from the profile page, no doubt). Granted, this does not show the most private information, like earnings. But if you see the views, follows, interaction stats, and so forth, you have the nitty gritty of the Medium user. You can find the extension here.
I am going to pass on this. I don’t really want to peer into the inner functionings of individual writers and all of their stats. There are so many of us who are starting from scratch at an entry level for Medium writers. We are very happy right now with a few dozen articles, some accepted publication submissions, thousands of reads(or views), and a few dozen or hundred followers. (Note, people may experience different facets of this entry level and perhaps have many more thousands of reads/views with a viral piece and other stats that maybe already put them in the next level under many categories). We a place past the current horizon where we will reach the next level. That level includes those have brilliantly drafted hundreds or even thousands of pieces, regularly submit to publications, and have amassed over a thousand followers. Then the levels go up up up with those who have reached tens of thousands of followers to hundreds of thousands and draft articles for top publications daily to receive tens of thousands of views.
I’m not saying that the Chrome extension is negative or bad. In fact, it has many positive benefits. If you see a user with more followers and reads, you might be able to mine some deeper insights about what they are doing well. Plus, we all have some privy access to our fellow Medium members’ details. We can see their number of followers, many of their top articles, and so forth. This seems like a large number of onion slivers for awhile. Of course, you can’t blame those who just keep peeling away more and more layers in their quest for more knowledge.
Best wishes to all who use! Keep writing, reading, sharing, and enriching and Mediumers!