Suggested Writing Prompts #1
There are so many countless amazing writing prompts offered on Medium. Some of the best publications I’ve discovered include the Challenged and Hinged. I have worked to dedicate myself to responding to many of these prompts, but just had a whim to also brainstorm some of my own prompts. Here are a few suggestions I will throw out there. Please note, many of these may already be out there somewhere(if not on Medium that on other platforms like Quora where multitudes of questions shed light on all sorts of new writing prompts every day). If you see a repeated topic or idea, then I will attest this is purely coincidence.
What are your top streaming service discoveries? Have you discovered some freaky horror series on Netflix or Hulu or have you basked in foreign programs through an additional Prime Channel subscription? Spill the beans on your favorite encounters!
What is something you have felt purely enchanted by? Maybe an activity, relationship, or goal? Tell readers a little about it.
If you could design a game show(based on a classic board game or purely of your own invention) what would it be? Describe the rules of the game!
What was your favorite birthday or holiday present growing up? What are some reasons why?
What model of car best describes you? Why?
Describe the day in the life of a solar panel. Possible thoughts, experiences, insights, sunny disposition or no. . .well yeah you get the idea!
What is your “not-on-my-bucket-list” list? Meaning, what are some things you will absolutely not ever aspire to do in life?
You are asked to generate five memes with inspirational quotes or life advice and post them on social media. What will they say and why?
Do you remember any commencement speeches delivered at one of your big graduations(high school, college, or other)? What were some main points or the gist?
You are asked to deliver a comedy act, start a draft of some of your greatest lines.
What are three of your quick, low-budget, healthy meals for life on the goal?
Have you had a profound wonder or spiritual experience lately? What was that like?
And baker’s dozen, you win a road trip that is to be taken with a famous star. Who is the star, and where are you headed?
This list could keep going on, but I’ll stop it here for now. I am not sure yet if I will try these. But if you feel challenged, feel free to try one and certainly mention in the comments! Happy writing!