Some Ways To Mix Up Monotony

As Summer Winds Down and Weekends Cannot Come Quick Enough

Daniel Marie
5 min readAug 24, 2023

Another Wednesday has rolled by in yet another week. We are one day closer to Friday. For many, it seems like the start of the week can bring anticipation for Friday while Friday brings with it a dread for next Monday.

Photo by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash

And the month of August is reaching its final week. In much of the world, the season of summer is reaching its final weeks.

Along with the end of summer comes the starting up for students of all ages around the world. Cue the pencils, notebooks, electronic smart devices, and full-fledged assignments all to start once again. For students, educators, parents, and numerous others, school means the end of summer vacation. This means a lot fewer days of lemonade in the sun, trips to the swimming pool, or fun-filled family vacations. Soon week nights are packed with practices and homework while weekends bring extracurricular competitions and events.

Each year, it may seem like the joys and wonders of summer fall away as quickly as autumn leaves off of trees. As the famous Green Day song goes:

“summer has come again, the innocence can never last.”

Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash

But summer joys need not end with the start of autumn and school and changing times, just as weekend joys need not end with a dreadful start of a new work week. Many things can be done to keep the fun, relaxation, and vibrancy from those zestful times flourishing each day and each season. Here are a few.

Individuals and families can still plan getaway trips to add variety to everyday life.

Sure, jobs often demand extra hours and parents often spend their weekends away from work taking kids from one event to another. However, there is always time for small getaway trips to reenergize and expand horizons. This could include weekend camping trips or trips to nearby marvels. If possible, individuals or families can turn those official “business” trips into an extra fun outing. Who’s to say that a busy traveling sales professional can’t take an hour away to explore a newly visited location’s quaint historical landmark or wondrous natural scene? Why can’t the whole family take a weekend trip to one of the kid’s sports or music tournament, renting a hotel and eating out to make a fun mini-vacation out of it? There is always more fun that can be had the whole year round!

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

Variety really is the spice of life.

Let’s not forget it, variety can keep everyday life fun and exciting. Things don’t have to be get up at such and such a time, complete tasks A through I with sub-tasks and sub-sub-tasks, go through the motions, go to bed late, and rinse and repeat. We can partake in tasks and activities that add meaning and enjoyment to our days. We can take time to mix up routines with unconsidered activities like visiting a new store or eating out at a new restaurant. We can make extra time to build our family relationships and friendships, while crafting new connections in the process. Even changes to domestic tasks like planning new meals or rearranging home spaces can bring profound results.

New hobbies and pasttimes bring variety and growth.

In addition to traveling and changing up routines, an additional way to add fun and excitement to life is taking up new hobbies and pasttimes. What are some hobbies or endeavors that individuals or groups can do entirely for supernal reasons like learning new things, finding self-renewal, connecting with others, or personal growth? Well, the sky is the limit for these different types of hobbies, endeavors, or pasttimes — from taking up a new sport or game to trying a new craft to learning a whole new art form. Is there not just so much fun and adventure that comes from partaking in activities just for the sake of the activities themselves? Imagine when professionals rush from the office to the gym for an extra workout or when kids are finally able to pull out their personal projects or games after completing homework for the night. What an amazing way to break away from the monotony than these hobbies or pasttimes that bring great joy and fulfillment.

Photo by Carissa Weiser on Unsplash

Remember to savor each moment and practice mindfulness.

Whatever time or place we are in and whatever the season, task, or demand, we should always take time to savor the infinite blessings unfolding in each second. Whatever the demand or stress, we can use spiritual practices to tap into unlimited blessings to find holistic renewal and peace of mind. This can be done through counting blessings, prayer, reflection, or meditation and will help us find greater fulfillment. Instead of going through the motions of everyday life, we can also find numerous ways to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness brings our distracted minds and hearts back to the present moment and helps us to be more aware of our being’s movements. When we savor each moment’s unlimited riches fully and practice mindfulness, we can better realize no moment of our life’s journey is without immeasurable value and beauty.

Photo by Jakob Braun on Unsplash

There are countless other methods to transcend the monotony that ordinary life can bring. These methods also bring deeper meaning to our days and help us find enduring realities in the midst of the world’s constant flux. Days come and go, seasons quickly change, and years quickly pass. Yet every second of every day is a gift with unlimited riches to mine. We need not sleep through any brief season of innocence(as the wonderful Green Day song teases), but can be fully awake and open to each season and moment that unfolds as we come to realize more and more our own unlimited value as part or parcel of the Cosmos sacred dance.



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