Some of My Amateur Memes
I have seen some of the most amazing and super-hilarious comics and memes on Medium. They are so original and enjoyable, just like you find on so many other neat platforms. Some of the most interesting comics I’ve found include David B. Clear’s work and Background Noise Comics. I thought maybe I would add a few of my somewhat tacky and amateur memes to Medium, hoping they would bring a few chuckles. Most of these are pretty old and have been collecting dust in my Facebook account for several years. But hope you enjoy!
In case some people get confused about what it means to “tip” the server when eating out.
Prayers no one ever finds themselves in this predicament, though many things in life do feel like this.
This one is quite painful.
Of course, these I all had fun with on the classic paint app. But there were some random meme-generated images following what anyone can concoct online.
My favorite annual Thanksgiving Facebook repost is one I did about nine years ago.
And my suggested rendition of a Star Wars film that will probably never be made.
Although these are pretty tacky and done just for the humor of it, I hope you enjoyed these images and they bring a smile to your day!!! Thank you for reading!