Pinning And Linking

Daniel Marie
1 min readMay 25, 2022


In response to Burk’s recent’ shortform article, I don’t currently have any pinned pieces on Medium.

But I am just as guilty when it comes to hyperlinking or pinning pieces on other platforms.

My Quora profile, for instance, shows links to my top-viewed answers.

But if you frequently use Quora, you certainly find that your questions or answers get lost in the huge list. So, you have to perform advanced searches to find the piece you are looking for. Medium is a similar beast, though you can design your profile to use button links or also include hyperlinks to top articles in your profile.

As my Medium articles or publication submissions list grows, I imagine that a few pins and hyperlinks to top articles will be necessary. But I agree that too many pins or hyperlinks will take the point of easy reference to top articles away. Best to just keep this in moderation. If readers want to scan or peruse your older articles, they can easily perform a Medium search or scroll through the blogroll until they find something of interest.



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