One Man’s Recalibration
Sometimes We Just Need to Remember Other Voices
A large group of people gathered in the man’s mind, remonstrating again the same phrases he’d heard quite a few times over years and years.
“Your life, like some other invalids, is not worth that much.”
“Boy, you really are lower than pond scum.”
“You’ll never be able to escape from this dark murky stench that surrounds you.”
“Don’t ever fool yourself into thinking you can improve yourself.”
This most certainly drove him from his daily rituals — the daily tasks, interactions with dozens (through business, pleasure, or the deepest sharing of self), and ponderings of deeper life questions. He was left retreating to the dark hollows of his mind and place, trying to call to mind those echoing a different view:
“If you made mistakes in the past, you can always turn your life around.”
“Each life has unlimited value and worth no matter what, this is true for you too.”
“There are still so many awesome and good things about you in spite of the obvious glowing issues.”
“You are a good person with amazing qualities, don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.”
“If you wander from Grace, you can always be taken back.”
Strong enough were those positive voices to counteract the negative noise. The man left the hollows of his mind to return to his daily life. But as he continued on his daily journey he heard calls and pleas all around.
Grasslands, walkways, and creeks asked for some helping hands to help clean up some of the litter scattered among them so that they could breath and flourish a little easier.
A few people were asking for help on the streets the man was walking — for food, money, and prayers. Should he offer them a few cents out of his pocket? Might he also offer his money, time, or energy at the local organizations that helped numerous such people in need?
Others were walking with their heads down or tears almost forming in their eyes. Might the man be able to offer a bright smile, quick kind word, or a small touch of positive energy to boost their spirits?
And as the man made his way down the streets of the community, he saw numerous examples of organizations and institutions that were devoted to helping people in numerous ways.
Religious establishments stood tall to offer people spiritual and moral guidance. Charitable groups and organizations bustled to help those in need. Community organzations and fellowships called out to busy townspeople to join their ranks to better themselves and the greater whole. The man realized he could be a part of just a few of these great communities larger than any one person.
And the man imagined the whole world full of problems needing resolution — creatures and ecosystems needing help to remain vibrant and whole communities of people needing food, drink, clothing, shelter, beauty, or love. Perhaps the man could give but a little of himself to helping bring resolution to these pressing problems, helping clear the fog so that the infinite riches unfolding from life itself could be tapped more abundantly.
And almost preternaturally, the man could hear music resounding from what lay at the heart of things.
As the Earth spinned, its oceantides danced up and down. Meanwhile, quintillions of beings flourished in the Sun’s embrace. The Sun itself was dancing in mysterious accord with the Milky Way’s movements — all hardly a speck in the universe’s unbounded expanse. The man remembered he was a small part or parcel of the Cosmo’s Divine dance.
Now any negative voices were not even a faint memory as the man took his next breath and began anew.