Oh Wonderful Medium
Oh wonderful Medium!
How great your thousands of publications, like The Writing Cooperative and Feedium!
I, a new member,
Have come rushing to this platform almost every day since November!
Each time I stumble upon countless new writers, magazines, and articles
leading me to great enjoyment and a calmer intake of oxygen particles.
Isn’t it amazing how for only a small fee,
The amazing content never ceases to draw members in like pollen to a bee.
My only regret is that I have not written more,
I’ve been too busy savoring others’ brilliant works like a kid in a candy store.
But with this small attempt at a poem, though admittedly quite rough,
I hope I can break the ice to find Medium writing not so tough.
My main hope is that if you stumble across this draft,
May you be enriched some by my craft.
And inspired by the countless amazing Medium writers I’ve come to read,
I shall say, “expect more to come soon from my feed.”