Not Anywhere On Medium
Here are some topics I cannot find very many Medium articles or stories about (if any exist at all).
A search for Millard Fillmore, the 13th President of the United States, only brings up 7 articles!
18th Century British Prime Minister Robert Walpole only comes up in 4!
No articles say anything about old U.S. Fort Crawford, erected on the Mississippi River in the early 19th century.
Nor can I find anything about the Bifora instrument in the oboe family.
Very few articles come up about Parcheesi!
Only a couple of articles are about Dame CIndy Kiro, the current Governor General of New Zealand.
There is a publication titled The Pluot. Yet no articles show in a general feed about the magical fruit.
Only a handful of articles explore or even mention Jedism, a growing philosophical and spiritual belief system based on the famous Star Wars dynasty.
Two articles come up about the once-famously crafted Volkswagen Type 2 van(Vanagon in North and South America).
A handful of articles appear about the 1990s sitcom Home Improvement, featuring Tim Allen and Patricia Richardson.
I cannot find any articles about D.H. Lawrence’s novel The Lost Girl.
These are only a handful of innumerable topics(for which the list of possible topics goes on indefinitely) that have little or no mention on Medium.
When you break it down to countless hyper-specializations, innumerable niche domains, and multitudinous unexplored domains, the honest truth is the vast majority of topics are hardly even touched upon here on Medium (and anywhere else online for that matter).
Considering this great truth, is it not wonderful to brainstorm or consider unknown topics close to you? Since content creation is ever-developing and ongoing everywhere(including Medium), what better way to help expand Medium than to find those unexplored and unconsidered topics closest to you. This is one of the writing prompts for August from Medium Creators. What are some of the unique topics that you, from your unmatched perspective and experience, can shed light on like few others can? Perhaps it is an endlessly rich treasure from your family’s deep trove of gems, like the story of a heroic ancestor or a super-amazing dish you can tell about without giving away grandparents’ secret sauce. Maybe you would like to share but a few of the many deeper spiritual and philosophical truths you have at least begun to shed light on in your own deeper life. It could be a unique and quaint passion or interest you’ve developed like antiquing, observing insects, or baking bundt cakes(again, the sky is the limit here).
Now, exploring these unique and original topics certainly may mean you embark on a trail few (or none) have taken. You will certainly face risks and challenges. Niche content under unconsidered topics might not go viral as easily, because your stories might not hit the mainstream feed. But on the flip side, publishing unexplored content may result in a larger number of readers who actually engage with your pieces rather than just skim over them. In spite of risks and challenges, your hard work and commitment to the “niche path” can certainly deliver unmatched triumphs like those sparks that fly when you are truly immersed in something you are passionate about. And what an immeasurable blessing if you craft pieces so unique in their very subject matter than it broadens the base of this whole amazing platform itself, along with adding new and fresh riches to the boundlessly larger repository of human knowledge?