My September Medium Challenge Exceeded

Innumerable Riches Uncovered

Daniel Marie
4 min readSep 27, 2023


That is the approximate number of responses I have written this month.

The large number of responses after reading, highlighting, and applauding an even larger number of articles was the result of a challenge I gave myself at the beginning of September. The challenge was unique, hard to reach, somewhat daunting as the month went along, but in the long term proved to be immeasurably enriching!

Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

Write enough responses to equal five per day.

This was my goal. It could include split, uneven days like 15 one day and 2 the next. As long as I hit my goal. Well, before the month is even over I doubled my goal.

Why this challenge?

I thought of this challenge because it seemed unique, fun, and a blueprint for interacting with other writers and their works on this great platform.

I didn’t make much money from this challenge, but I discovered numerous other priceless riches.

Well, I haven’t gotten myself to join the Medium Partner Program, so money was not in sight.

But I have mined countless unexpected riches from working to meet this goal. For one, all of my activity on Medium has garnered 1300+ views in the past 30 days! That has increased my regular viewing tenfold.

I have also connected with many other readers and writers for the first time, interacting with some amazing Medium voices and building stronger bonds with many I have gotten to know quite well.

I have expanded my horizons by also perusing, highlighting, pondering, and savoring many more writings than I normally would have. This has helped me gather new insights, consider unrealized points and arguments, and consider other perspectives I probably not have otherwise. And with millions of articles just on Medium alone, I have hardly scratched from the surface of considering even a small sliver of the trillions of gems of insight, deeper truths, and points of view that humans offer each day around the world.

Many of the responses were well received. Some had ten or more fans, and others had just as in-depth, full-hearted replies as what I had offered.

And with many of the writers I’ve connected with, wonderful Medium friendships have formed!

Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash

Were there any negative outcomes from the challenge?

A couple of the responses I offered were maybe not in the scope of the writer’s focus, or were from a profoundly contrary point of view. So they did not go as smoothly as most others did.

That is fine. Such outcomes are to be expected. We are all coming from different points of view and seeing different aspects of any reality imaginable.

Also, I realized that my nature of responding is just of a certain format — often offering praise, points of agreement, and further insights. I have not offered much in the realm of constructive criticism or even dissenting views. It isn’t that I wouldn’t have contrary opinions or views on numerous subjects. I am just drawn to common ground or enhancing of insights where others are wonderfully drawn to contrary understandings or considering the bounds of other viewpoints as well as their relational value.

There also seems to be a lingering question, can you do too much reading and responding? Perhaps. And that is where balance is key. If you are at a point where you are highlighting and typing responses into your Medium app at the dinner table, then certainly close the app and put your phone down for awhile so your pot roast doesn’t get cold and your dinner confidantes are not side-skirted.

As I intend to keep up with this level of reading and interacting(as much as time allows), I may try to flex my editor or critic muscles a little more. But I probably will keep responding in the same format as usual for the most part — it’s just my style.

What is next for me?

I am not sure what comes next on Medium. My one goal is consistency. Try to respond to at least a few articles per day, and keep views on the uptick.

I will also keep trying to produce content that can enrich readers and enhance their understanding as well. Another impact from this challenge was I felt compelled to produce more content myself.

Medium writing, like countless other endeavors, is a continuous journey. Who knows where the road will bend to next.

Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash

One thing for sure, writing on Medium is tough. But the hard work is well worth the immeasurable riches mined.

I would recommend to any Medium user that they should try out some form of this read and respond challenge.

It may take work to read through many more pieces, interact, and respond. But to draft a well-written response is less scrupulous than drafting, editing, and finalizing a whole piece.

You can expand your own horizons, consider points and insights from other perspectives, connect with new writers, and grow as a reader and writer all while building up your Medium presence! What an amazing challenge for sure!



Responses (2)