Lessons Learned During COVID Recovery

(Hardly Scratching From the Surface)

Daniel Marie
4 min readAug 22, 2024

This past week, I have been in recovery from COVID-19 for a second time(this has become quite common over the past few years). We understand that the virus is probably going to always be with us — like the flu or so many strains of infectious bacteria that keep coming back. But honestly, getting it was as unexpected as getting something like a sinus infection or a similar pain. You are blissfully oblivious to the condition’s existence until you get it.

Oh my, what a fun discovery. “Remember the first time you got this nasty thing in April 2022?” I thought to myself. The experience was just as bad as the first time. I woke up in the middle of the night in hot sweats as the air conditioner was going. My sleep was not really sleep. It was constantly waking up and simply feeling more exhausted. Throughout the day as I struggled to make it through work(I work from home), my mind did not race to other things. In fact, it did not race at all but seemed to be chugging along on fumes. I heartily endured the minutes and hours until I could again go to lie down.

Now that I am almost fully recovered(though still isolating after testing positive even a week later), I have learned a few lessons that I will take with me long after this virus has subsided.

Photo by Vera Davidova on Unsplash

I will more heartily appreciate the simple things as they coalesce with the unboundedly complex.

Getting sick with viruses reminds you how seamlessly the simple and complex intertwine. With COVID, you have complex treatments like antiviral medications and recommended care routines. That all has its place, but often the simple things have the greatest effect. My oh my, how I grew to love Vic’s Vaporub and ice-cold washcloths to help me through the worst.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I will more readily count my blessings.

Having COVID once again reminds me of how horrid the last few years have been. No matter how hard the trials, I have always been blessed to remain healthy and have all of the resources and support I need to confront any toxin that comes along — whether a physical virus or something else. Millions of people have suffered a lot worse hardship and loss than me. I send prayers and care for anyone who has suffered hardship or loss and trust the Divine will restore all. I am thankful I have found healing and renewal, and I am committed to remaining grateful. Additionally, being forced to almost reach a full standstill has helped me to make more efforts to savor each moment and tap into unlimited blessings unfolding.

Photo by Jack Niles on Unsplash

I will cut out unnecessary stress and tension.

There is a blessing to getting this physically ill — your mind and being must naturally clear out any extraneous thoughts or concerns. All energy and strength must be committed to fighting the immediate dangers.

I am going to follow my physical and mental systems’ example and work to cut out unnecessary strife going forward. Since there are always going to be hardships and tensions as part of life’s suffering, why not devote energy and attention to positive and productive matters rather than things beyond control? I am going to work to change my thought processes and outlook when worry and stress come lurking again. “What is a way I can rework this so that I move forward with it rather than stewing over it?” “Does focusing on this question or problem align with my deeper priorities, goals, and values?” When you start to change your outlook and habits, your life improves overall.

I will avoid situations or environments with too much negative energy.

When you have to self-isolate, you reexamine priorities. If you are deprived of basic joys like dining in at the local diner, why should you waste time getting upset about things beyond your control or fretting about everyday struggles? If quarantine prevents you from spending time with siblings or friends, then should you really have to attend those ceremonial events where extended family members or out-of-mind acquaintances do not even remember your name? Especially if there are toxic dynamics at play, why should any of us have to immerse ourselves in environments that may bring us more negative energy than positive? After all, while every second has its own timeless, immeasurable element it’s not like any of us ever have excess seconds to lose to negative energy or toxic elements that keep us from living as fully as possible.

So, COVID-19 or related conditions are never fun. However, they can bring blessings in disguise. Prayers for health and well-being to everyone in this post-COVID age. There is amazing hope and promise for each of us in the years and decades to come — as well as for humanity at large over the ages to come.

Photo by Eriks Abzinovs on Unsplash

