If You Ever Are Too Bored. . .
You Do Not Need To Try These Things
It’s a late and warm summer night. Your air conditioning unit is churning as you lie awake, still full of energy and ready to move even though the Sun has long set. You look at your watch, and it is late enough that most of the world has gone to sleep yet early enough for too many hours to still pass until day. If you feel called in such moments to get out and make the most of life, here are some things you should just leave to film. Taken directly from film classics, here are some activities or pastimes not to try if you ever get too bored. (Note, it bears repeating to say “Please do not try these things at home”).
Cow Tipping, Or Slipping Silly in the Mud
If you have ever been too bored or just ached to create timeless fun with friends, then you may have considered cow-tipping. As seen in the classic 90s film Tommy Boy, cow-tipping is as literal as the term implies — you go out to some livestock farm or pasture and attempt to knock a cow over.
While it may sound like a fun prank, cow tipping is a super tough challenge. A force equal to 600 pounds would be needed to knock a cow over. Also, would the challenge even be worth the risk? Besides the legal implications of trespassing(as seen in the famous film), there are serious risks of injury involved with such activity. Cows are super heavy and stubborn creatures. You would be safe and most likely happier just to pull up cow photos and videos on social media than to actually attempt such a ludicrous feat.
Pranks for Those Home Alone(Again, We Are Not Serious Kids)
The Home Alone franchise contains whole worlds of dares and triple dares. But again, please refrain. Since the franchise should have come with the label Do Not Try This At Home, we will not get into those countless homemade booby traps(although many of us certainly left our matchbox cars lying around when growing up by accident). Instead, let’s focus on those less dangerous pranks that might seem like harmless fun but are probably better to refrain from. The first two Home Alone movies had a lot of scary pranks. There was the whole pizza boy fiasco. Home Alone 2 brought in the inflatable clown, for crying out loud.
Some pranks may indeed be harmless fun. Bring out whoopee cushions and rubber dog dodo. But you have to be careful not to go too far(and for sure these films became famous because of their outrageousness). Lawyers will warn that seemingly innocent jokes can become legal nightmares.
Speaking of Pranks, Do Not Even Think of This
We all have seen enough movies with the “laxative factor.” You know, American Pie, Dumb and Dumber, Van Wilder. Let’s see if we can mix a little something into someone’s drink or dessert, and then there are those interminable scenes of stars making crazy noises on the toilet. You are certain to laugh every time you see these scenes. In particular, Harry in Dumb and Dumber looks like he is about ready to launch when on the non-working toilet.
This may all seem funny in theory. But these drugs are for medical use only and even then can have serious side effects. It is probably better to never mix medications with humorous pranks, no matter what the comedians lead you to believe.
Some Other Things You Can Do
If you are bored late at night, the sky is the limit for things you really can try at home. If you want to model what you enjoy on the big screen, why not start by writing your own film script? There, your mind can run free with all sorts of funny pranks or half-witted schemes. You might even develop a whole new series or plant seeds for a new fiction franchise. If your creative devices are taking a coffee break, at least you can grab the coffee and pull up those films for a late-night laugh.
And again, let us close by saying loud and clear that this article explored film fads you should not try when bored, or ever.