How I Tripled My Views In Just a Few Days

And You May Be Albe To Increase Yours As Well Doing This One Thing(Among Others)

Daniel Marie
3 min readSep 6, 2023

Well to start, for many months I did not have that many views to begin with. But it’s true, so far in the month of September I’ve tripled my views.

This is even almost triple over the average from previous months, where I usually have about 100–200 views.

I’m happy with the average, because it shows my writing is still reaching a lot of other people. But I’m just so thrilled with the increase.

What’s my secret?

I’ve made a diligent effort to read, highlight, clap, and respond to several times as many stories. And my views went up.

Photo by m. on Unsplash

See, that’s the beauty of Medium’s quantifiers. The platform recognizes that responses are also drafts or works in their own right showing a reader’s reactions, responses, and critiques of an article.

This is one essential way you can increase your stats as well. Take time to browse through the multitudes of new articles published each day, find ones that draw you in, and read, review, and interact. This is genuine reciprocity. The writer’s work gets views, engagement, critique, possible monetary compensation, and numerous priceless benefits. In return, your very responses themselves can receive views, claps, and further responses as well as priceless benefits like enhancement of perspective and understanding. Furthermore, you are likely to have other readers respond in kind by interacting with your works. You may even add new followers and subscribers if you have decided to follow and subscribe to authors you have discovered.

Of course, there are numerous other actions you can take to increase stats and visibility. All of those technical things like article prose, titles, and even topics are effective. But is it not nice that with writing platforms like Medium, the perennial principles still apply like striving to give more than striving to receive?

When you do interact with others’ writings and respond, make sure to follow Medium’s rules. You don’t always have to be complimentary or admiring. You can offer humor, agreement, or even a general note of thanks. You can offer criticism too, but make sure it is constructive and respectful(you are generally interacting with fellow human beings with a unique voice and perspective of their own, not chatbots). You can share your own similar experience or view, or offer a contrary position.

I’m so thrilled with my increase in views, claps, and responses — not just with my responses but with those who have taken the time to return the gesture and peruse my works. The greatest priceless blessing for me is reading brilliant and amazing works with profound points, experiences, and insights far beyond anything I would have ever realized on my own and also interacting with so many wonderful amazingly intelligent and wise souls. Like so many other platforms, Medium is such an awesome place where many other fellow kindred spirits can become our companions on our journeys of reading and writing, as well as life itself.



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