Have You Seen This Wonderful Smart Devices?
Unexpected Automated Gizmos That Have Already Hit the Road
We all may still be amazed at the smart devices of our technological age! We’ve got ChatGPT, numerous types of drones, smart vacuums, smart refrigerators, smart ovens, and even smart toilets! But have you come across these following smart gadgets yet? In our age of ever-advancing technology, would you be one to buy these devices?
How Do You Like Your Tea?
Personally, I am thrilled by the thought of being able to preheat your oven from your smart device while still 20 minutes out in traffic(or to make sure your oven is off). But a teapot that is hooked up to your Google Home Assistant or smartphone? This model on Amazon goes for between $70-$100(and other models in similar price range).
Now, you can boil your tea water without having to worry about it overheating. Temperature monitoring with a 360 degree rotatable pot, this is a crafty item for tea lovers anywhere. But some of us who still haven’t gotten around to Keurig yet may stick with the old-fashioned tea kettles for now(there is something vintage about a tea-whistle). Heck, some of us do not even use the tea kettle but just go for the microwave.
You’ll Never Have to Break Your Back In the Garden Again
Hello, Tertill! What are you? Oh, a garden weeding robot? Oh my, you mean gardening will no longer require hoes, rakes, or back-bending for those weeds? (Well, most of the time anyway). This smart robot uses height detection to track and remove weeds without obstructing any of your wondrous crops’ growth. And the price is great, only $225 on the website now!
Millions may want to put this marvel (or similar bots) on their holiday gift list(or get for parents on special celebrations). But it may not be a winner for all. Some may prefer the old-fashioned tools or desire to get down in the dirt as part of their fitness plan.
Even the Nightstand Has a Mind of Its Own (Sort of)
Tired of tripping over that old heavy wooden night stand at your bedside? Now there are even smart night stands like the Baubuy model.
You can charge all of your devices, stream music through its speakers, and even ensure safekeeping with a fingerprint lock. And you can have all this for just $150(others may cost more or less), less than many designer or vintage furniture items! But some people may prefer the vintage rare furniture pieces. You know, something like the triple-varished, rare blended wood stand custom crafted end piece with gold-plated and initialed handles.
No More Nail Troubles
How many of us have trouble remembering to clip our nails(forget any mention of manicures or pedicures). Well, now we have the Smart Nail Clipper(image from site). This is just one of many automated nail-care devices that will alleviate most cuticle catasrophes!
Just put your fingernail(or toenail) under this small contraption and hit the button! Users will never feel their cuticles too long(or too small) again! Many may still choose the good old-fashioned metal nail clippers. And you really would not need this additional contraption if you have a manicurist who makes house calls, would you?
A “Meowing Marvel” For Cats and Pet Owners Alike— Automated Litter Boxes
Has scooping through your cat’s late night droppings kept you from the “purrty meowazaing” news? There are automated litter boxes, and they have have been a thing for awhile now! And grabbing one of these gizmos at your pet store won’t break your feline finances! This Pet Zone model only costs around $150.
These automated cat litter units sweep through the litter to filter out the waste to a disposal unit below. You only have to replace the bag once full without ever having to scrape through the litter! Of course, some may doubt the device’s promise and stick to old “clawsome” methods. Or, the finicky feline just might prefer the old paw pan.
What Is Going On Under Those Ears?
Hey, we’ve had ipods and earbuds and little speakers you can connect to your belt, why not smart jewelry like these Smart Earrings by peripherri?
Through these pretty collectibles you can stream music, make phone calls, and set a timer. And they are only $49 for a basic pair! What fashion queen(or some kings) would not want to give these a try? Of course, some would insist only on wearing more expensive or specialized pieces.
And What Is Gathering Up Inside of those Ears?
Do you have that horrendous problem of random particle buildup in your ears(also known as excessive ear wax)? You may have tried Q-tips, several types of ear drops, and other more sophisticated contraptions. Well, fear no more with ear cleaning systems like the Ear Wax Removal Bebird system.
Now you can scope the deeper recesses of your ear safely with camera vision. Just hook up the little gizmo to your smart device by Bluetooth and attach one of several extensions. Then scrape away all that is amassing from way down under. I personally can attest to this gizmo, it has worked wonders for me! But others’ ear canals may hold a different point of view.
Birdwatching Will Never Be the Same
Just like so many other pasttimes, avid bird-watchers may never find enough time to observe all types of birds at play. Now, AI bird feeders can do that for you. Introducing bird feeders like Netvue Birdfy Feeder AI. This sophisticated smart device will take photos or video-record any birds, store new media, and even identify most creatures that pay a visit. And just a few hundred dollars for one of the Netvue model(other prices may vary), what a wonderful gift for anyone’s veteran bird watchers.
But many may share the valid viewpoint that such technology might take away from savoring Nature’s miracles in their native state. Also, what might the birds have to say about constantly being recorded?
And the List Continues
What other unconsidered gizmos are out there? Certainly, this article has barely scratched the surface. We could search, review, and critique various types of automated or smart devices for eons. By the way, automation has been around for millennia starting with the earliest mechanical contraptions(as have computers and even artificial intelligence). Also, countless hypothetical bots or automated systems have not even been developed yet(and may never be developed due to physical limitations or ethical restrictions). Additionally, there have been plenty of full-scale technological wonders that were elevated to greatness but crashed even before they took flight.
As we look closely at the automated gizmos circulating all around the global and online market, we may also garner some deeper insights about the nature of artificial intelligence and automation technology in general. For one, like technology itself the advancement of smart devices is hardly a linear or unilateral progression. When might the CD version of a certain gizmo become outdated while millions more consumers prefer to go back to the vinyl record version? And could there be an over-reliance on all of this automation and AI (like the Dot-com bubble)? So many smart items may take off and become the next big thing. But others may remain as niche or bontique. In the furniture space, for instance, the global smart furniture market is expected to grow to roughly $668 million by 2025. However, the global furniture market is roughly $729 billion. Many things, like your coffee table or even the bird feeder, are perhaps for many best in their classic forms.
Whatever the deeper meanings we glean, looking at the most unexpected smart devices of today certainly leads us to wonder what tomorrow may bring. Might there be microscopic drones that consumers can safely inject into their own bloodstream for medical(or entertainment) purposes? Might private citizens be able to send their own drones to the moon, or get their own mini Rover to Mars? There are unlimited possibilities.