Happy We Love Memoirs Day!
August 31 is We Love Memoirs Day. This was set up as a commerative day in 2013 by two memoir writers who wanted to meet up and share their memoir projects or discuss favorite memoirs. The movement has grown quickly, with people around the world connecting more each day around memoirs.
Here are some Medium pieces I found from previous years written exclusively on WLM Day, August 31, talking about the wonderful genre and art form.
This piece by Melissa Gouty explores a few favorite memoirs.
Here is one by Kelsey Holmes exploring what a memoir is and why it is such a wonderful type of writing.
And since Medium publications are still a big thing, here is an online publication called The Memoirist.
While we are on the topic of memoirs, what exactly are they again?
Well, I like this Grammarly description of a memoir and how it contrasts with an autobiography: “A memoir is a nonfiction narrative in which the author shares their memories from a specific time period or reflects upon a string of themed occurrences throughout their life. An autobiography is a factual and historical account of one’s entire life from beginning to end.”
Of course, there are other types of personal writings in addition to a memoir or biography. Even if you try and craft your resume or curriculum vitae, this is a whole additional art form. But why all of this hype about reflections upon one’s life experiences?
Well, each of us has a whole unboundedly rich and endlessly unique tapestry of life experiences for which we can explore and reach new insights about in an unlimited array of different ways. Every person’s unique experience also illuminates distinct aspects of many realities or events.
Also, the creative process for producing a memoir can bring countless emotional, mental, and spiritual blessings. Memoirs are also a key way to allow individuals to share deeper parts of their lives with others, allowing others to find new meaning and enrichment for their own journeys.
Additionally, memoirs provide one means for individuals to also craft their legacy and leave a lasting message. What parts of one’s life have been most meaningful? What were one’s personal experiences as a major event like? What insights might one feel important to share to readers in future ages?
People have been writing memoirs since ancient times.
Julius Ceaser, Saint Augustine, Henry David Thoreau, and Elie Wiesel are all examples of classic memoir writers from numerous periods in history. Many would consider Julius Ceaser with his recordings of battles or Augustine with his Confessions as some of the earliest memoirists. But spiritual and religious texts such as The Book of Nehemiah or The Book of Ruth in the Old Testament are also epic memoirs in their own right as their authors offer first hand accounts of their most personal spiritual journeys.
And memoirs seem to be one of those art forms that will only continue to grow in future times.
Just like building friendships or performing amazing feats in sports or fitness, sharing and reflecting upon experiences seems to be wholly a human activity. This is in great part because humans have a whole unmatched way of perceiving, experiencing, and reflecting. Just look what happened when I asked ChatGPT to write a memoir about its own experiences:
As an AI language model, I don’t possess personal experiences or emotions, so I cannot write a memoir about my own life. However, I can help you with any other writing requests or provide information on a wide range of topics. If there’s anything specific you’d like assistance with, please let me know, and I’ll be glad to help!
Each of us has an unlimited array of possible stories we could share about our own experiences, relationships, lessons learned and connections to other people and things in the greater Cosmos. Each of our endlessly unique human journeys offer countless unmatchable gems that bring others immeasurable enrichment. It seems that memoirs are key method for individuals to holistically and creatively share their stories and gems. As long as humans continue to flourish, it seems memoirs will also be around.