Getting Boosted a Real Medium Milestone — Among Numerous Others

Daniel Marie
3 min readMar 25, 2023


Medium’s new Boost program seems quite extraordinary. Exceptional pieces are “boosted” by Medium to be recommended to millions of subscribers, thus helping them to get to hundreds, thousands, or even millions of views in a short period.

This is similar to Medium’s Daily Digest that sends out top-stories regularly to subscribers — algorithim-customed to readers’ histories and interests. Other writing and knowledge platforms have a similar feature, including the Quora Digest. Certainly, numerous other platforms also have similar programs. When you find your writing has been elevated by one of these programs, it is an amazing milestone both for what is measurable and immeasurable. Imagine your heart’s deeper echoes transmitted through keyboard going out to millions, much like if your name was mentioned on a television or radio news program broadcast to millions or one of your articles printed in publication perused by millions of subscribers!

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

I’m not sure if my pieces will ever make it to Medium’s Boost program. However, numerous answers I’ve written on Quora have made their similar Digest service. Some common wisdom tidbits for multiple such programs may include the following:

Make sure to be active in different facets of the platform. For Medium, this includes submitting to new publications(an amazing milestone in its own right). Medium’s Boost program is supported greatly by top publication editors who make recommendations.

Follow the platform’s style, features, and special brand. For instance, many Medium articles that become the most popular or widely accessed are tailored to the most relatable topics plus marked by ease of read and ability to draw the reader in.

Make sure to be an active community member. Just as you can’t be a member of a basketball team without holistically connecting with your team members, coaches, the audience, and even competing teams, you can’t get to far on Medium without engaging with other writers’ pieces, clapping, highlighting, and even responding to their work, and following numerous writers, topics, and publications. Just like anything else, there certainly is a ripple effect at play here — the more you give out can correlate to more coming back to you.

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash

From my small point of reference on this vast, amazing platform of Medium, I wish everyone the best in acquiring readers, views, claps, and milestones like getting “boosted.” Additionally, I hope readers and writers find those less recognized milestones that are just as amazing and unboundedly immeasurable nonetheless . Such milestones may include finding your article has enriched just a few readers in a lasting way or perhaps been accessed by other people and organizations on the larger world wide web.



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