February Medium Writing Prompts From Yours Truly

I May Get Around To Meeting Them Myself

Daniel Marie
5 min readFeb 5, 2024
Photo by Emiliana Hall on Unsplash

Ah, February — that short month on the Gregorian calendar that typically seems to end before it begins. At least this year we get one extra day before we feel the new year now zooming along even more quickly than previous ones. February has traditionally been the bridge between winter and spring(cue in Groundhog Day). No wonder those ancient pillars of Western civilization kept taking days away from this month and adding them to middle-year months. Anything we can do to hurry along the progression from dark and cold winter to luminous and warm summer! But while we may feel this month skirt by more quickly than the Sun that still sets quite early in these early year times, let’s take a few moments to at least ensure that the shifting sands of time do not pull us away from our writing craft. Here are a few writing prompts I have put together to alleviate my own case of writer’s block.

How Do You Break From Winter’s Grip?

Hey, the groundhog did not see his shadow this year! Whether or not that means an early spring, will you still be ready to break away from winter’s grip? I’m not just talking about breaking away from the physical season(hey don’t we all enjoy the extra reasons to snuggle under layers of blankets and rest in front of the fireplace drinking hot cocoa and apple cider?). What about those extra layers the cold months (both literal winter months and figurative challenging life months) force us to put around our minds, hearts, and deeper selves to help us conserve our energy and peace of mind when days are not so sunny and bright? Like a perennial flower’s seed that must dare to break through thawing soil and rise again, are we ready to start anew when the days become longer and warmer for us once again? What are some strategies you might suggest for those who find their outer layers struggling to warm? Reminiscing on such a period from one’s own life might be just the ideal writing exercise!

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

Your Own Groundhog Day Sagas

Hey, since we are in that month of Groundhog Day and animals peeking their heads out from way down under to see if it is warm enough yet to come out, why not continue with that theme of tracking the groundhog Bill Murray style? Like the famous film, have you ever had your version of a day that at least seemed to keep replaying over and over? And if an actual day did keep recurring for you(or anyone for that matter), what might that be like? Such a great writing exercise with unlimited possibilities!

Photo by Abigail Lynn on Unsplash

For Love and For. . .Presidents!?!

How interesting that February is so short, but yet it contains so many days of celebration! Much of the world celebrates the infamous Valentine’s Day(ah can be so expensive for those with significant others). In the U.S., there is also the federal holiday of President’s Day. Lo and behold, we have amazing writing prompts. Get the pen ready to open doors on Valentine’s Day or other special days. What was your favorite Valentine’s Day gift ever received? What is the best thing you ever did on a nationally recognized holiday, besides sleep in? Oh boy, we could go on and on with this broad and open-ended topic!

Photo by Tirza van Dijk on Unsplash

2nd Is the Best (This Is Bound To Be True Many Times)

Ah, the second month of the year! So much can happen in such a short yet densely packed-month! But what about this whole being second thing anyway? Is second really the best or right up there? This demands some speculation. Placing second in most competitions is such a remarkable thing, but being second best out of two is not so much. Some people(myself included) are the second-born children in the family(there used to be so pseudo-science popular birth-order talk all around). There is always the splendor of being able to get seconds at a family potluck or work celebration. Let’s get to work on exploring this profound and mind-boggling theme of what it means to be second.

Photo by Jemimah Gray on Unsplash

That Whole Leap Day, Leap Year Thing

Oh, so now we finally get to that topic that maybe was the elephant in the room! 2024 is a leap year, meaning this month of February on the Gregorian calendar gets one extra day! It’s not that most of us probably give much of a second thought to this until that fourth year rolls around. But then some people are actually born on that extra day only occurring every four years! What a daunting reality! For the rest of us, does it not get a little mentally crunching to remember the extra day when we are planning our schedules or counting down the days to a special milestone? What does this leap day and leap year thing say about the nature of time and human existence? Let’s get that extra ink because we will never really be able to get to the bottom of this one!

Photo by Oskars Sylwan on Unsplash

So, we have thought of a few wonderful writing themes for this great month of February! Please let me know if you are so moved by these prompts to give them a try! Or, what are some additional ones that you may have come up with? Certainly, the sky is the limit for February writing themes even if March gets here before we have just gotten started.



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