Enjoy Hot Chocolate, Apple Cider, or Another Warm Beverage

Daniel Marie
2 min readFeb 7, 2023


While Not Overstressing About Publication Stats

Gareth Willey’s article here is very informative and helpful in it’s own right. But I noticed something at the end:

Instead of coffee, Willey requests hot chocolate. I guess this is one of the characteristics of Ko-Fi use vs. Buy Me a Coffee Use — you may request a different item than coffee. Interesting, I never really paid attention before(this should be expected from someone who has yet to sign up for the Medium Partner Program after a couple years of use). Both Ko-Fi and Buy Me a Coffee apps are available for Medium writers to add to their page. The question of which one to use? This article by Kristina God offers a wonderful comparison.

But hot chocolate vs. coffee? Or what about coffee vs. tea? Or hot chocolate vs. a warm cup of apple cider? Unlimited possibilities for warm, soothing drinks exist if you think about it(a whole array do not have to include alcohol or too much sugar, although these are acceptable ingredients as well).

Photo by Hanna Balan on Unsplash

One of my favorite warm beverages has always been a nice glass of apple cider. Cider usually includes a mixture of numerous spices, sugars, and other ingredients to mesh into a full appled down delicacy. You cannot go wrong with the heated drink if you are experiencing a slight cold or just chilly from weathered temperatures.

Image taken from here

I guess this mention of drinks does not have anything directly to do with Willey’s points. But numerous indirect associations can be made. For one, when Willey describes not investing too much time or energy in monitoring a piece after publication (although a certain level of critical monitoring may be useful) this offers a parallel to a nice warm delectable beverage. Crafting an article can be much like savoring a soothing hot cocoa, coffee, or apple cider, enjoyed and completed for its own sake with immeasurable enrichment and nourishment to follow.



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