Each Picture Tells a Story
The cow watches on as the laborious rancher carries grain and water. No need to verbalize or conceptualize, it knows food is near.
How many times in life must we endure through hurt and pain(or see others unavoidably suffer hurt and pain) in order to avoid even worse damages and harm?
(Prayers all were safe if this was from real-life accident).
“A nice day for a swim on the great blue pond,” so the flamingo thought. Or the sheer semblance of a possibility of a thought festered inside the rubber flamingo’s head, no more actualized than the reflection of the pink object in the clear water.
The hamster goes around and around on its little wheel, trekking its small frame to far away lands and whole new exotic kingdoms while never leaving the small corner of its cage. Humans can travel tens of thousands of miles freely and stretch their minds to even more wondrous kingdoms. Yet we spend so much of each of our days stuck in constant loops of worry, stress, dissonance, and self-torture. “Why did this happen in such and such a way?” “If I could go back and change that one day I would!” “Why do they not even want to talk to me?” Why do we spin around on the same wheel when a whole world of worlds is available to us?
The 100 year old woman, in remarkably good health, patted down her sheets and pillows to prepare her bed. Though the end of this day meant that she was that much closer to death’s inevitable embrace, she lay down and closed her eyes with the same peaceful resolve. Whether she awoke or not in the morning, she realized that no matter what she would still be a drop of dew forever glistening on a morning leaf on but one tree in but one of the Cosmos’s forests.